Paper Title: Effect of Chlorophyll Concentration Variations from Extract of Papaya leaves on Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell.
Singapore, 8-9 January 2015.
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Paper Title: Effect of Chlorophyll Concentration Variations from Extract of Papaya leaves on Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell.
Singapore, 8-9 January 2015.
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Berikut materi kuliah elektronika organik: Solar Sel Organik – DSSC (Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells). Download materi kuliah <pdf>
Lecture Page “Elektronika Organik”
Topik Sebelumnya | |
Pengantar Kuliah |
Material Organik | struktur material |
Fotokonduktif | Karakteristik Spektrum Optis |
Model Temperatur dan Medan Listrik | Model Laju Muatan |
Solar Sel Organik | Karakteristik Solar Sel Organik |
LED Organik (OLED) | WOLED |
Transistor Organik (OTFT) | Sensor berbasis OTFT |
Bio-organic berbasis DNA | Molecular organic devices |
Sholeh Hadi Pramono, Eka Maulana, M. Julius St., and Teguh Utomo
Electrical Engineering Department, Brawijaya University
Jl. MT Haryono 167 Malang 65145, Ph./Fax: 0341-554166,
This article shows an experimental result of DSSCs (Dye Sensitized Solar Cell) fabrication and characterization of based on papaya (Carica papaya L.) leaves and jatropha (Ricinus communis) leaves. Chlorophyll was extracted from the both leaves as organic dye materials to replace previous solar cells based on inorganic materials such as silicon. A TCO (Transparent Conductive Oxide) was used as a substrate material that surrounds the inner layer of DSSC. TiO2 nano particles, natural dyes, electrolytes, and counter electrode combined as an donor-acceptor layer. Thick film screen printing method is used for the adhesion of the TiO2 layer to the substrate. Couples of iodine and tri-iodine electrolyte solution used as an electron donor layer. We designed the active area cell size of 1.8 x 1.8 cm on two layers of TCO glass substrate. The wavelength absorption measurements of extracted chlorophyll occurs in the spectrum of 300-700nm. We measured open circuit voltages (Voc) under light illuminance of 18,000 lux are 289 and 245 mV of papaya and jatropha leaves, respectively. A Sort circuit current was achieved at -17 and -6.7 µA. These cells have already reached fill factors (FF) exceeding 26% and 25%.
Keywords: DSSC, chlorophyll, organic, papaya, jatropha leaves.