Inspiring the World

Eka Maulana, ST., MT., M.Eng

Posts Tagged ‘panel surya’

Panel Surya untuk Perahu Nelayan

In fact, roughly 24% of the entire web runs on WordPress.

Intrigued? We thought so.

With an easy-to-use, powerful, customizable, scalable, and search engine optimization (SEO) friendly platform – WordPress is able to provide immediate advantages to any business that uses it. The trick, however, is to leverage the WordPress platform to provide the greatest benefit to your business.

That’s where we come in. Whether you’re a WordPress novice looking to make your first foray into the platform or a seasoned developer looking to expand upon your skills, Ambition Insight offers web design, WordPress development, and WordPress training and consulting wordpress enterprise agency to help your company achieve its digital goals.

With an immense depth of knowledge and experience regarding WordPress website developmentWordPress TrainingSEO Training, Business Consulting, and Social Media Management and Training – we’d like to help take your business to the next level.

Through our one-on-one WordPress training and consulting services, we can effectively teach you to become a WordPress pro and allow you to take charge of your company’s digital presence.

Here are 8 major benefits for in-person WordPress consulting with Ambition Insight:

Learn as You Go

Learn how to create and manage a custom WordPress website today.

“Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.” – Old English Proverb

The difference between having a site built for you on WordPress and participating in a one-on-one consulting session is that you learn the skills as you go. For every new tool that you learn, that’s an added skill that will only benefit you and your company in future projects. Instead of relying on an outside developer for all of your company’s WordPress needs, you can develop the core competencies required to create, update, and manage your company’s website in house.

Save Money on Future Projects

Invest in yourself with Ambition Insight WordPress training and consulting.

Investing in WordPress training and consulting is exactly as it sounds; it’s an investment. Think of it as going to college for your website, and it will continue to pay dividends for you and your company well into the future. You will be able to make necessary enhancements and adjustments to your website or blog in real time, saving both time and money.

Streamline the Overall Development Process

Save time and money by working directly with your WordPress developer.

Eliminate the added time and additional costs spent on unnecessary phone calls, meetings, and emails to communicate with your outside developer. Instead, come in to our consulting session with clear goals and questions and we will work with you to make your goals a reality. Through in-person WordPress consulting and training we ensure that we can create the most value for your company in the least amount of time.

mahfudz – Empat mahasiswa Universitas Brawijaya Malang membuat baterai bertenaga tulang ikan tuna. Mahasiswa tersebut mengajak nelayan Pantai Sendang Biru untuk memanfaatkan limbah tulang ikan tuna menjadi baterai.

“Proyek ini sudah berjalan dua bulan terakhir. Kami mengajak warga Dusun Sendang Biru Desa Tambakrejo, Kecamatan Sumbermanjing Wetan, Kabupaten Malang untuk memanfaatkan limbah tulang ikan,” kata Machfud Firmansyah, mahasiswa Fakultas Teknik Universitas Brawijaya Malang, Rabu 27 April 2016.

Machfud dan tiga kawannya, yaitu Izza Akfarina, Maulida Aulina, dan Imam Suhaeri, berkunjung ke Dusun Sendang Biru untuk mengajak warga setempat mendaur ulang limbah tulang ikan tuna satu bulan lalu. “Mereka tertarik dan sampai sekarang kami tetap menjalin komunikasi,” katanya.

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solar praktekMasih dalam lingkup pengabdian kepada masyarakat, dosen Jurusan Teknik Elektro Fakultas Teknik Universitas Brawijaya (FT-UB) memperkenalkan konsep edupreneur piranti elektronik berbasis panel surya kepada siswa sekolah dasar (SD).

Kegiatan yang dipusatkan di Jurusan TE-UB, Sabtu (9/4/2016) tersebut, melibatkan 83 siswa SD Surya Buana Malang. Adapun acara yang diprakarsai dosen Eka Maulana, ST., M.Eng dan Akhmad Zainuri, ST., MT ini berlangsung selama empat jam.

Materi yang disampaikan di dalam kelas berupa teori pengenalan energi alternatif dan prinsip kerja pembangkit listrik tenaga surya. Kemudian peserta dibekali materi praktek lapangan berupa pengukuran energi listrik yang dihasilkan dari proses konversi energi listrik. Read More…