Inspiring the World

Eka Maulana, ST., MT., M.Eng

Posts Tagged ‘Desfola’

DESFOLA baliAlat pendeteksi potensi bencana alam berbasis android karya mahasiswa Teknik Elektro Universitas Brawijaya (TE-UB), DESFOLA (Disaster Detection System of Forest Fire and Landslide), kembali memperoleh penghargaan dari kompetisi inovasi internasional. Kali ini Tim DESFOLA yang digawangi oleh Rizka Sisna Riyanti dan Bagas Priyo Hadi Wibowo dengan bimbingan dosen Eka Maulana, ST., MT., M.Eng berhasil memperoleh penghargaan medali emas di kompetisi The 5th International Young Inventors Awards (IYIA) 2018 yang diselenggarakan di Inna Grand Bali Beach Sanur, Bali, Indonesia, 19 – 22 September 2018. Read More…

Follow these tips to eat smart and move more.

At Home:

  •  Rethink your drink – Before picking up that can of soda, think about choosing something your body needs, like water, or low-fat (1%) or fat-free milk. Learn more about supplements that fight inflammation.
  •  Right size your portions – Bigger is not always better.
  •  Tame the tube – Turn off the TV to lower your family’s risk of becoming overweight. Instead, spend more “quality time” together.
  •  Move more everyday – Even small amounts of daily physical activity can help you stay healthy.
  •  Eat more healthy meals at home – Eating at home rather than eating out will not only reduce the amount of fat and calories you eat – it can save you time and money.
  •  Eat more fruits and vegetables – Whether fresh, frozen, canned or dried, fruits and vegetables are quick, delicious and convenient. They will keep you healthy all year round.
  •  Provide the best start – With all the benefits for mom and baby, breastfeeding is the best start to eating smart.

Visit the S.C. Eat Smart, Move More website for more information on these tips.

In Your Community:

  •  Get involved in efforts to establish bike and walking paths.
  •  Help establish community farmer’s markets.
  •  Get involved with schools to support Farm to School programs.
  •  Work with your school to implement a comprehensive Safe Routes to School program .
  •  Support a ‘take the stairs’ campaign at your place of employment to promote more activity during the work day.
  •  Lobby for healthy food and beverage options in cafeterias, vending, and at meetings and other catered events.
  •  Support breastfeeding-friendly environments.